TIQ Time - SSO access results in Error 500.30 – Detalles del incidente

Sistemas funcionando con normalidad

SSO access results in Error 500.30

En funcionamiento
Iniciado el hace más de 2 añosDuró alrededor de 1 hora


Web application

En funcionamiento de 8:14 AM a 9:34 AM

  • Resuelto

    The issue was resolved by manually restarting the App Services for all customers starting from 9:16 UTC. All systems were operational again around 9:34UTC.

  • Identificado

    The TIQ Time Single Sign-On App Services encountered a 500.30 ANCM In-Process Start Failure. This is a generic error that occurs when the application cannot (re)start for several reasons.

    We are currently investigating this incident.